FVG single-stage vacuum generator is specifically designed for high frequency grip/release applications.
The Italian company Vuototecnica started its adventure in the field of vacuum almost forty years ago and it is now a well-established and recognized business all over the world in technology for the creation and management of vacuum: it operates in 42 countries all over the globe.
This company has research and innovation as its main pillars, since its foundation in 1975.
This is not a standard formula of presentation, it is really like that. You can just visit new headquarters in Beverate Brivio in the province of Lecco, to notice it.
In the Seventies, Giuliano Bosi founded it starting right from a revolutionary invention: a new type of solenoid valve for vacuum, still in production today (DDN series).
Davide Bosi, his son, brought forth this innovative power until now with an increasing focus on customer needs and product applications.

Application fields of Vuototecnica products are several and well-assorted: automotive, automation, logistics, glass industry, printing and graphics, renewable energy, food, medicine, and even the packaging industry. The company is able to offer solutions in the field of vacuum applied to every industrial machine, also on request.
As we see from our everyday experience, twenty-first century means the race, in any industry, to customization, to everything that is tailored to the customer, with the consequent reduction in terms of the size of the products on the market.
The demand for compact products, equal in efficiency than in the past, is still growing; and demands, even more difficult to meet, emerged on the international scene: affordability of products, lower energy consumption, easy maintenance, clean and efficient work environments.
Vuototecnica replied, focusing its attention on these features: all the products are easy to use and install, with a considerable reduction in weight and overall dimensions of components. Not to mention that many recently developed products allow a considerable saving of time and energy and do not require special maintenance.
Solutions for the field of robotic pick & place
Referring in particular to industrial automation, to the field of robotic pick & place, in the packaging industry there have been many changes.
The transformation of society and industry required shorter working-cycle and new packaging design, but above all speed and flexibility to adapt continuously to new product variants.

So Vuototecnica designed FVG single-stage vacuum generator with ejector (Fast Vacuum Generator), specially created for gripping and releasing, at very high frequency, details to handle.
FVG generators are available in anodized aluminum, and allow a maximum yield at low pressure supply.
In particular, they are available with capacities from 3-5 mc/h. The maximum supply pressure is 4 bar, and the maximum degree of vacuum is 85 KPa.
These generators are easy to install and are equipped with a system, (which can be excluded) that is able to generate a blow-off in the suction cup, when you need to release the particular.
The size and weight, really reduced, make FVG perfect for installation on industrial robots such as very fast flexible pickers.
FVG vacuum generators with single stage ejector ensure this flexibility and high reliability in the socket, all in reaction to very short cycles, even on very small robots.
FVG proved to be the ideal product in many sectors.
To request the technical specifications of FVG, you can visit www.vuototecnica.net or download Vacuum Solutions catalogue and free application for iPhone and iPad.
See also the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jfdzMD7xVE4