A consolidated partnership in time: Pressoil and the test bench for excellent-technology axial-piston units by Bosch Rexroth
Pressoil, headquartered in Cambiano (Turin, Italy), is the excellence partner in the ambit of distribution and service. The Turin company was established in 1980, due to the intuition of Stefano Gallino and of his wife Lidia. Stefano, coming from a reality for the construction of mobile machines, had guessed the need of supporting customers that use machines with competence in hydraulic material. The first experiences concern the direct intervention on earth handling machines for the identification of failures and occasionally on the repair of components in the site. Along the years, service has increasingly demanded for a commercial support, for both the replacement and the modification and construction of plants. At the same time, the activity was extended also to the industrial sector and for several years it has operated in three well-defined sectors on a world scale: service, distribution and system integration.
The players in the industrial and building yard sector find in Pressoil a high-level service and qualified consulting assistance, able to solve all kinds of failures, due to the broad availability of pumps and hydraulic motors, valves and spare parts. In this ambit Pressoil offers, in Italy and abroad, a series of customized services, like the availability, for the most common operating machines, of new and overhauled units (pumps, motors and valves), ready for installation, and in exchange programme: this service minimizes machine downtimes.

The sound know-how in the hydraulics field has generated an activity sector oriented to the design and manufacturing of special machines and equipment. They are dedicated machines and transformations of standard operational units, which find applications in industry and yards, in particular applications and works.
Pressoil completes these qualified services with its consulting skills, thanks to specialized technicians who can identify the type of failure and its entity, providing the customer with a precise outline of the situation, to which the repair programme is enclosed. This capability of providing specific consulting is an element that has always characterized Pressoil activity. Moreover, the industrial and building yard sectors find in Pressoil a partner qualified in the overhaul of hydraulic presses through replacement and reconstruction of parts no longer at disposal on the market, with full upgrade in the machine adaptation to the new European regulations and directives, supply of technical schemes and manuals.
Collaboration with Bosch Rexroth since 1980
The partnership between Pressoil and Bosch Rexroth stemmed 40 years ago from a very specific need of having materials and a direct support in terms of technical competence. At the beginnings of the collaboration, the focus was mainly centred on the mobile sector, then it embraced also the industrial field, which nowadays represents an important part of Pressoil activity. The choice of collaborating with a well-renowned brand on a world scale like Bosch Rexroth was natural and in time it has led to more and more increase the competences and the synergy between the parties.
Bosch Rexroth SSTB-300-edition test bench for axial-piston units
The test bench springs from the need of having a machine featuring very high technology and quality from the engineering point of view, available only in some service centres in the world.
The test bench of SSTB-300 series has been designed to test hydraulic components, especially axial-piston pumps (both single and multiple pumps, both in open and closed circuits) and hydraulic axial-piston motors, with maximum testing power of 400 kW, flow rates up to 500 l/min for each of the two work benches, 3000 rpm and 550 bars of pressure.
The structure of the test bench has a modular character, as it is composed by the main drive unit that, together with the other hydraulic circuits, is positioned on the base frame. Moreover, it is made up by the device used for the clamping of the tested pump, by a front panel equipped with hydraulic and electric connections and indicators and by a control system. The frame is positioned on levelling bearings equipped with vibration dampers. Under the frame is positioned a drip tray to collect eventual oil leaks. On a separate frame is positioned the drive device for the hydraulic motor test.
The control elements on the control panel allow starting the test bench and setting up the required parameters. In case of manual tests, the corresponding parameters (speed, load pressure, pump inclination and so on) are gradually set up and the measured data are read on the monitor. In case of automatic tests, the upper control system undertakes the test control and the data registration and performs the whole automatic test cycle. The registration, then the real test report, are stored in a database.
This bench stands out for being connected live with Bosch Rexroth headquarters in Germany, to achieve the testing data of the pump installed on the bench and therefore to obtain both testing and calibration data. Moreover, at the end of the process it is possible to acquire the testing certificate, with Pressoil and Bosch Rexroth brands, which certifies the correct execution.
“Bosch Rexroth for us is a distillate of quality, competence and innovation. Starting from the broad range of its products, its competence in terms of delivery of courses and support for the technical documentation. An international player with which we intend to renew the by now historical sound collaboration” ends Marco Gallino, president of Pressoil.