POWER DRIVE is the new specialised show that enhances the technological offer visible at MECSPE 2016, Parma Fairground, Italy, 17-19/03/2016. Power Drive will enrich the offer of the Italian market, thanks to a wide range of systems and components for the mechanical, fluid dynamic and mechatronic power transmission.
The hall, which will propose a broad range of systems and components for the mechanical, fluid dynamic and mechatronic power transmission, springs from the need of grouping and meeting in dynamic, interactive and synergistic manner the single categories and the solutions used in the manufacturing of automated industrial machinery and plants: from the mechanical transmission gears up to Hydraulics, from Pneumatics and Mechatronics, encompassing the Motion Control, Compressed Air and Maintenance. A need made even more pressing by the new market demands that lead companies to manufacture no more a single component but complete and complex systems to be assembled on fixed and mobile machine tools.
In the name of synergy
Power Drive is part of the most important national exhibition dedicated to the manufacturing industry, sharing in the matching activity among exhibitors of synergistic halls, which rely on the presence of machine manufacturers. The new hall provides a concrete answer to the strong demand coming from visitors themselves that have clearly suggested the widening of the sector dedicated to power transmission systems and components. According to the research carried out in the last MECSPE edition, in fact, 54.6% of visitors stated to be strongly interested in mechatronics, power transmission systems and components, workshops and conventions dedicated to engineering and design. An updating opportunity with concrete outlet prospects for the proposed technologies. Exhibitors will in fact have the opportunity of releasing on the market the new products and the “excellences” and to show alive the operation of the projects developed through practical demonstrations inside working isles, demo units and excellence squares, characteristic areas of MECSPE exhibition.

A complete exhibition offer
The Power Drive Hall will complete the exhibition offer of the synergistic halls:
- Motek Italy: automation and robotics, mounting, assembling and handling
- Control Italy: quality testing, measuring and control instruments;
- Electronic subcontracting;
- Digital Factory: IoT industrial informatics–Industrial sensors – cloud manufacturing – automatic identification technologies;
- Logistics: handling – material handling, to satisfy visitors’ targeted interests.
A showcase that simultaneously aims at filling the existing gap in the business meeting, exchange and growth of the entire sector that in 2014, according to the Observatory of the Italian Automation Industry of ANIE generated a turnover amounting to 3.8 billion Euros, with an overall turnover rise by 36% compared to 2013 and that also for the current year provides for a constant increase trend.
Marta Rispoli, marta.rispoli@senaf.it
Phone: 02 332039470 www.mecspe.com