A key focus on energy savings and environmental sustainability, combined with the continuous search for improvements in quality and performance, both within compressors and the training of staff, has made Mattei the perfect partner for Europe’s second largest locomotive manufacturer, the Czech company CZ LOKO.
A different company
A company “different from all the others” in terms of technology but also in terms of people. This is where Mattei’s success in the Rail market comes from, according to those from the sector who, such as the Czech Republic’s CZ LOKO, already choose to rely on the Vimodrone (Italy) factory for the supply of compressors. CZ LOKO is the second largest locomotive manufacturer in Europe with over 750 employees, most of them in the production plants in Česká Třebová and Jihlava, whilst they also have branches in both Italy and Poland.
«Our collaboration with Mattei began with the modernisation of the 753.7 locomotive series for our Italian customers», explains Jan Kutálek, Business and Purchasing Director at CZ LOKO, «so we were looking for a local, reliable compressor supplier. We came across Mattei and since then, the growth in the collaboration has been exponential and has increasingly strengthened, as the Mattei compressors continue to prove themselves and are able to adapt perfectly to our every need».

The common thread linking Italy to the Czech Republic
The common thread linking Italy to the Czech Republic is the distributor Mondo, founded in 1992 as a commercial engineering company focusing on compressed air technology and air cooling. The collaboration between Mattei and Mondo dates back to 1996 as the founder of Mondo, Miloslav Dočkal explains: «We were looking for a partner who stood out from other compressor manufacturers both in terms of originality, and also being interested in technical cooperation. Having found Mattei, today I can confidently say that we could not have met a better partner, when looking back at how far we have come together».

Focus on environment and continuous R&D
Energy savings, a focus on the environment and continual research into the highest quality of every machine were the elements that brought CZ LOKO and Mattei closer together, creating a close-knit and results-orientated team which alongside Mondo, led to a rise in their share of the European railway market. «All it took was to show how the quality of rotary vane technology outperformed the most common screw compressors», explains Miloslav Dočkal. «It’s a trivial example, but on a train fitted with a rotary vane compressor, the pneumatic systems are ready to use much quicker than they would be with a screw compressor on-board». But among the principal factors as to why CZ LOKO chose to rely on Mattei were the low operating speeds, the simplicity of design, along with the ease of maintenance. «These characteristics allowed us to design solutions to meet varying requirements; be they for mechanically driven or auxiliary hydraulic circuits and especially now in the field of electric motors».
Last but not least: «The added-value from Mattei comes from the employees», concludes Miloslav Dočkal, «both from a professional and personal point of view. That’s why we are so happy to be able to work with Mattei staff, who with their expertise and their friendliness, enrich us not only technically but also personally».