High Tech Die Casting 2016


International Conference –  Venice (Italy), 22-23 June 2016Fig2_DieCasting

Held for the first time in Vicenza, Italy in 2002, HTDC Conference has become a key-event for the international industrial and academic community envolved in casting processes of Aluminium, Magnesium and other non-ferrous alloys. The HTDC Conference series has been steadily  growing in quality, impact and participation in the following conferences, organised in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2012. Today, Die Casting production is facing new challenges:, from eco-sustainability and efficient energy usage to optimisation of product properties, from alloys’ properties improvement to design of lightweight components. Only an “open minded” approach, resulting in a high capability of being innovation-driven, integration-oriented and implementation-ready, will make Die Casting foundries successful in a international arena dominated by competition.

To sustain the development of this capability, i.e. the competitiveness in Die Casting production, HTDC 2016 will review:
– innovations, from alloys to processes, from design to applications, which are available to foundries, suppliers, end-users;
– multi-disciplinary integration of concepts, methods and processes;
– implementation, into the industrial context, of new and modern solutions for quality, efficiency, high performance.
The scientific and technical program of HTDC 2016 will be defined by a Scientific Committee, representing the most important international institutions and companies involved in Die Casting and related technologies. HTDC 2016 will be an exhaustive Conference focusing on scientific, technical and management innovations in the field of Die Casting, with papers and contributions from a very qualified panel of experts, with both academic and industrial background.

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