Grinding of bevel gears with bigger and bigger diameters. Ceba Ingranaggi increases its competitiveness with the purchase of a new grinding machine, currently unique by capacity in Italy and one of the few installed in Europe.
Ranking among the most advanced technological Italian companies, equipped for the manufacturing of transmission gears of all kinds, the Italian company Ceba Ingranaggi has further enhanced its manufacturing capacity by installing a new Klingelnberg Oerlikon grinding machine in its factories.
«Slightly more than one year ago – affirms Fabrizio Cesana, owner that manages the company together with his sister Loretta – to satisfy the new market requirements even better and to offer an increasingly complete service to our customers, we have decided investing again in technology, integrating a new machine in our grinding machine department».
This new integration, which has brought manifold direct and indirect advantages to Ceba Ingranaggi, currently allows the company to grind gears with bigger diameters, that is to say up to 800 mm, with very fast machining times.
Performances, precision and reliability
Ceba Ingranaggi knew the quality, the precision and the performances of Klingelnberg machines about fifteen years ago, when it decided the purchase of two gear hobbing machines equipped with a technology that at time was quite exclusive and innovative in Italy, under certain respects.
«Our target – Cesana remembers– was, at that time like now, offering something different, with the aim of integrating inside our processes a service that could differentiate us from what was already available on the market. At the time of making the new investment, there were not many doubts about turning once more to Klingelnberg, technological partner with which we were highly satisfied for the supply of the mentioned gear hobbing machines. Gear hobbing machines, the latter, that in many years have not caused any problem, and are still used today».
Installed last summer, the new grinding machine for bevel gears Klingelnberg Oerlikon G80 has allowed Ceba Ingranaggi to increase its cutting edge very significantly, considering also the confirmation of the fact that, at least while we are writing, it is a unique machine by capacity installed in Italy and one of the few in Europe.
«I have to admit – Cesana adds – that this new grinding machine is surprising not only for its performances, precision and reliability, but also for some other aspects: for instance, details such as the user-friendly set-up, simple programming as well as the presence of some indicators that highlight for instance the wear of the diamond dresser, specifying how many workpieces can be still machined with the grinding wheel».
The new Klingelnberg Oerlikon G80
The grinding machines for bevel gears of the G series by Oerlikon, controlled by CNC, offer process performances of absolute level combined with a high-precision final machining of spiral hypoid gears and of front-type clutches. The range provides for four different models, from the smallest G30 for diameters up to 300 mm, maximum module up to 8 mm, to the G80 range top, purchased by Ceba Ingranaggi, able to host workpieces with maximum diameter of 800 mm and module grinding up to 25 mm.

All machines are equipped with vertical grinding spindle for optimal chip disposal. The characteristics and the equipment already provided as standard, such as the semi-automated grinding wheel change, allow a user-friendly and comfortable setup and shorten changeover times. Diamond dressing rollers are used to profile the grinding wheel in whatever pre-selected shape according to neutral data. A further operational advantage concerns also the possibility of equipping these machines with a lateral door to exploit an eventual automation of robotic loading and unloading.
Good growth, in Italy and abroad
Ceba Ingranaggi can manufacture a diversified production of gears, worm screws, bevel gears, racks, splined shafts and machining of various typology upon precise specifications of companies operating in manifold industrial sectors and applicative fields, in Italy and abroad.
«The export share –Cesana confirms – despite the recent vicissitudes connected with the limitations due to the Russian-Ukraine conflict, Countries where we have some customers, is still growing. New markets, perhaps more niche, have in fact opened, but they are giving us great satisfactions and good prospects for the future».
With a year that will end for the company with a double-digit growth of turnover, exceeding 13 million Euros, as positive, at least currently, is the order portfolio for 2023, and the export share, too.
In view of an unceasing growth, Ceba is also accomplishing the takeover of a company that turns and grinds diameters, already previous consolidated qualified subcontractor. An operation that will raise the staff to about fifty workers overall, with a manufacturing surface that will increase from the present 3,000 to slightly more than 4,500 sq.m.
«A new growth step – Cesana underlines– that will allow us to widen the supply management according to the customer service, making us even leaner and faster in the job order fulfilment».