Fluke launches clamp meters with non-contact voltage measurement to make electrical testing safer
Fluke launched the new family of clamp meters that make electrical measurements much safer for servicing and maintenance technicians. The Fluke 377 FC and 378 are non-contact voltage True-rms AC/DC clamp meters that allow technicians to make rapid electrical tests without the danger of coming into contact with hazardous live parts.

Non-contact measurement for higher safety
The Fluke 377 and 378 use FieldSense™ technology to sense voltage and current through the clamp jaw, with only a connection to earth needed for reference. With no direct connection with live components, the risk of electric shock and arc flash is minimized.
Ease of use for three phase measurements
The clamp meters measure up to 1000 A True-rms AC/DC and up to 2500 A (AC) with the ‘iFlex’ current probe. Designed for ease of use, only three steps are needed to measure in three phase systems, with each voltage and current shown simultaneously on the dual display.
Both meters are available in FC (Fluke Connect1:47 PM™) versions with Bluetooth interface. The 377 FC and 378 FC versions also show phase rotation, which can be displayed on a smart phone and saved to the cloud via Fluke Connect software, eliminating the need for handwritten notes. Fluke Connect allows maintenance technicians and service staff to document values and share them with their team. The data gathered can be used as a basis for designing a preventive maintenance program.
Testing Power Quality
The 378 FC includes a unique power quality (PQ) indicator that senses PQ issues, relating to current, voltage or power factor. This allows users to rapidly check if issues relate to the power supply or the connected electrical equipment.

Also included with the clamp meters are a TPAK magnetic hanging kit, a premium carrying case, TL224 test leads, TP175 Twist Guard Test Probes, and an AC285 black grounding clip.
For more information on the Fluke 377 FC and 378 FC Non-Contact Voltage True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meters with iFlex, visit: https://www.fluke.com/en-gb/products/electrical-testing/clamp-meters
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