In order to compete in a market which is more and more difficult to interpret, G.P.S. Engineering emerges not only for its flexible company structure, but especially for its capacity to meet the most different needs, in a quick and efficient way.

The company G.P.S Engineering has its headquarters in Legnano (Milan, Italy) and belongs to the Cangialeoni Group; it is specialized in the designing and building of special reduction units dedicated to the most varied production fields. It is an area that has historically had companies of very different dimensions with decades of experience, but which has found in this “young” company a reference point in terms of operative flexibility and especially of product quality. The result is a turnover that since 2006, its foundation year, has been in constant and continuous growth.
«In 2012 – says Edoardo Battistuz the General Manager of the company – we had a turnover of about 8 million euros, in contrast with the 6 million one of 2011 and the 5 million one of the year before; also for this year I can confirm that the closing should have the same positive trend with prospects of being able to look at the future with a certain tranquility».
It is important to underline how these figures are significant for this sector, because they are totally generated by a unique core-business, i.e. that of special reduction units.
Not only the sugar and iron and steel sectors
«Reduction units– continues Battistuz – which can be applied to various production sectors: from the more traditional sugar and iron and steel sectors, to plastic and rubber, food, cement, up to waste disposal».

An applicative panel that, together with the experience and consolidated know-how, allowed the company of Legnano to maintain a constant growth level, to acquire more important orders and a higher visibility and recognition in a market that is not easy, meeting more and more complex and restrictive needs.
Therefore, G.P.S Engineering can boast engineering abilities, meant as outsourcing production, but also real engineering and service, an area in which it specialized even more in the last few years.

«In the sugar sector for example – continues Battistuz – our covering is almost total, with a greater predominance, if we want to be precise, in France, but with the wish to continue the process of internationalization that in the future will involve with more strength also other countries: Germany first of all. There are with no doubt important margins of growth, but we want to move towards them gradually and with the certainty to be able to comply with our duties with no stress and with the awareness of our resources».
As we have already said, the company bases its competitiveness on the answer promptness and on an operative flexibility with no compromises; all this having the possibility to count on a structure able to meet, in a more efficient and quicker way, the customer’s needs.
«Although under study there is a project of expanding the plant, the spaces and the human resources – continues Battistuz – we think it is strategic to face it with the due cautions, trying first to consolidate the results that allowed us to grow in these years».
Perspective growth
The company was ISO 9001 certified, and it avails itself also of the cooperation of qualified and carefully selected suppliers, with whom it shares the same objective: to propose itself to the market with great competitiveness, being aware of the quality and great attention given to all the steps of the design and implementation of the product.
«I think that this market – concludes Battistuz – will become more and more international for us in the next years and it will allow our structure to grow, step by step, consolidating the results that we have achieved up to now and, above all, never giving up its strengths such as operative flexibility, product quality, professionalism and personnel know-how, which until today have allowed to obtain significant satisfactions, in spite of our limited dimensions».
See also the video: