Agriculture is one of those fields where the technological and digital innovation have exerted a disruptive impact on the way of working and manufacturing Certainly, the urgent need of assuring more efficient and sustainable practices has led the companies that implement land-working technologies to fulfil the proposed solutions constantly.

A commitment that concerns not only the manufacturers of finished machines but that involves also the enterprises that design and produce systems and components. OMT Group is perfectly aware of that and, precisely with the aim of meeting the requirements of the market looking for more and more efficient solutions, has studied and developed an innovative solution: it is Agrifluid the plow overturning valve that grants higher control of the cylinder, cushioning its movements and preventing swaying. How does it work? We have asked it to Federica Paciolla, Marketing Manager of OMT Group.
OMT Group has invented and patented a fluid-dynamic control device that can perform an automatic reversal of the cylinder strokes and, therefore, a hydraulic overturning of the plow. What are the main technical characteristics of this solution?
It is an integrated system that can be applied on a hydraulic cylinder for the automatic execution of a single stroke cycle (return and extension), with overcenter valve of load control on both chambers of the cylinder. Moreover, also the Agrifluid EVOlution version is available, it too patented, which allows the motion of two cylinders in sequence. The EVO version automates the process of alignment, overturning and reopening of the plow in its working position.

How can this solution assure a better cylinder control?
Through special counterbalance valves, it allows the load control (both fixed and variable) applied to the cylinder in both directions of travel ad in each angular position This ensures various important technical characteristics. Let us see them in sequence: the load handling at reduced pressures to save energy when the load is in lifting phase; the safe locking of the load in any stroke position; the constant maintenance of the motion speed during the descent, avoiding the stitching or the escape of the load; the limitation of the maximum pressure induced by the load to the cylinder chambers to avoid pressure peaks. Due to this whole of characteristics, a smooth, constant and steady movement is achieved.
Have some manufacturers chosen your solution?
The design is new. Some valves have already been mounted on machinery and are currently used by some realities that have shown interest and are assessing their technical ameliorations.

One of the feathers in the cap of your company is the valve department: how is it organized and what solutions and services does it offer?
Manufacturing efficient, resistant and forefront valves needs a special synergy between the specialized team and interconnected 4.0 machines. The valve production by OMT Group is fully in-house carried out: the solution springs in our technical office and is developed in our divisions, this grants us a total control and more manufacturing rapidity. Not only the study, design and production phases are in-house executed, but also the testing through hydraulic systems, both manual and with electronic automation, setting them up according to the specific values demanded by the customer and testing their performance. Directly controlling each production phase allows complying with high standards and satisfying our customers with specific solutions to solve a requirement and to improve their machinery’s performances.
How do you support customers in the choice of the most suitable solution for their applicative requirements?
The customer is assisted in all phases by the specific area manager for its nation, which in his turn interacts with our technical office to identify the optimal solution for customers. If a standard product suiting the application where it will be used is not available, our designers develop a customized solution to satisfy the customer’s requirements.