Faro Industriale has always represented a reference partner in the development of customized bearings, from both the point of view of geometry and of used materials. A successful specialization in the most various applications, on national and world scale.
Operating for over 30 years in the bearing production field, Faro Industriale, thanks to the gained know-how, produces high-precision bearings. Thanks to the notable skills of its technical team, Faro Industriale can satisfy companies’ specific requirements and a targeted product customization.

These characteristics have allowed consolidating a leading market position both on a domestic and international scale.
«Our structure – confirms the managing director Marino Bertoli – has such sizes as to be able to meet the needs of those who, due to different reasons, do not succeed in finding adequate standard solutions for their specifications on the market».
The competences and the productive-organizational skills of Faro Industriale engineers and technicians address a variegated panel of customers including machine tool manufacturers, players in the iron and steel industry (meant in its widest meaning, that is to say encompassing not only steelworks but also manufacturers of machines for the hot forming and cold forging of steel, as well as machining service centres), producers of solutions and systems for the oil & gas sector, manufacturers of tubular stranding machines.
«Today standing out on the market– adds Bertoli – means to be able to stake on a high quality and great precision product. All that starting from the design up to the delivery, assuring the full control and the total management of the entire operational course of the job order. In flexible way and with terms complying with the requisites of a more and more demanding market and, especially, with a bent for innovation that does not preclude any constraint in our operational ambit».
A vision that enables the company to represent a valid and reliable partner, as well as a problem solver along the supply-chain of whatever job order.
More and more “special”
Flexibility, competence and expertise result in a customized product development process, able to satisfy the most various application needs, thus granting a higher and higher competitiveness. Process always keeping pace with the state of the art, where used technologies and machines are constantly optimized, improved and integrated, whenever necessary also with customized solutions. In this context, it is for instance recent the in-house development of a particular testing machine of preloaded bearings.

«We faced the need – explains Marino Bertoli – of granting and certifying, in the ambit of an important job order for a renowned machine tool manufacturer, some technical specificities connected with some preloaded bearings. It became therefore necessary the development of a particular machine, purposely designed and developed by our technical office, able to provide us precise answers in relation to the final use. In other words, testing the technical starting characteristics and peculiarities, pickup torque to set the preloaded bearing in motion and so on». (fig.1)
We are talking about bearings used, as already underlined, in the machine tool field, then executions called to satisfy high rotation precisions. Wide and diversified the range of sizes of this job order, with hole from a minimum of 50 mm up to a maximum of 850 mm. (fig. 2)
From small to big diameters
Thanks to the constant technological upgrading, combined with the integration with machine tools and/or particular tests (as mentioned above), the company continues also its activity of growth and increase of the productive capacity. Currently, at its Calendasco (PC) headquarters, Faro Industriale can implement precision bearings from a minimum hole of 20 mm up to 6,000 mm of external diameter.

Executions of granted quality thanks to the use of materials and components accurately selected, provided with relative origin and warranty certificates, as well as to machining operations checked by a forefront metrology laboratory and carried out by a machine fleet of high quality level, optimized for this production type.
«As further enhancement of this potential – adds Bertoli – I would like to highlight also a great organizational and managerial capability of the single job order allowing us to give answers in very short times. All that depends on the availability of a streamlined, efficient and qualified structure, today more than ever indispensable to keep our competitiveness level high».
Operational structure that consists of about fifty employees for a production that in 2014 was by 60% oriented abroad but witnessing a notable domestic growth in 2015, restoring the share parity.

«With great satisfaction – underlines Bertoli – since the beginning we have witnessed a notable growth of the domestic market with a share that now settles in parity. What are the most driving sectors? It is certainly worth underlining the steel sector and similar, but also the field that involves service centres, called to take care of the metalworking under several respects. Even if there are the presuppositions for a more dynamic future compared to the past, we have not diminished our attention towards possible approaches to aggregations or associations with realities mirroring ours, to enhance further the competitiveness level».
Networking in Italy is not so widespread. Nevertheless, wherever you can establish a collaboration relationship, an operational aggregation, results are more than positive. Over the last few years are not missing, in fact, successful cases that have allowed companies in the engineering world to join their forces to propose, both in Italy and (especially) abroad, products and services of absolute quality and fully “made-in-Italy”.
When the gear becomes the outer link
Engineers generally tend to implement their projects according to the standard components available on the market. An approach that sometimes can however involve a sort of not optimal development of the real potentialities that the final system must be able to offer.

«Concerning this – states Alessandro Fumi, technical office manager at Faro Industriale – as it happens in the choice of bearings, the difference can be also substantial in terms of performances and efficiency».
In such context, the essential difference for those turning to Faro Industriale is precisely this, in other words to rely on a team, on a technical office and on a productive reality able to maximise the efficiency of the various processes in which the bearing is involved. With the benefit of a co-engineering collaboration giving birth to further operational and functional benefits.
«Like in an application in the oil & gas field, on drilling rigs – adds Alessandro Fumi – with the reduction gear originally mounted on a shaft, in its turn laying on two standard bearings.
The operational criticality resided in the fact that, in case of wear, that is to say of failure of one of the two bearings and then of its replacement, to carry out such activity the design and the geometry of the reduction gear provided for the complete opening of the reduction unit itself (to pull out the bearing, editor’s note). With all the discomforts of the case, considering the surrounding conditions of a yard and not of a factory equipped for this kind of operations».

The technical office of Faro Industriale, to remedy the problem, has therefore implemented a valid solution.
«Actually, we have devised and developed a solution – explains and ends Alessandro Fumi – which provided for the still shaft and the gear turning around it. In case of maintenance or wear, the bearing can then be simply pulled out».
See also the video: