A Triple-A analytic rating to the Italian company Teseo
ACF, an Assolombarda member company based in Milan, has assigned a Triple-A rating to Teseo, indicating very low risk level. ACF SPA is an ordinary and extraordinary financial operations specialist created in 1995 by Assolombarda, the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Confidi Province Lombarde to provide operating support to companies for financial management and improve their business relationships with banking and financial institutions. The management of consulting services delivered to enterprises is coordinated by high-level senior consultants with specific expertise in their areas of action.

Teseo’s business risk level was evaluated according to the standard ACF Rating model, designed to provide companies with “self-diagnostic” tools for the analysis of their credit rating. ACF analytically examined Teseo’s status to provide an accurate evaluation of the company’s financial risk. The analysis included a number of elements: annual balance sheets; banking information and data from the Italian credit bureau (Centrale Rischi); statement of assets and liabilities and accounting status; shareholding and management structure; organization chart; innovation skills; certifications and registered patents; product range, especially considering their capacity to cover multiple application industries to safeguard the company from possible business crisis in single sectors; sales organization in Italy and abroad, with a focus on extensive operations in several markets to respond to possible economic crisis in one or more countries.
The final result, with a rating of 82.13, was the assignment of Triple A (from 80 to 100 points), indicating very low risk level.
«It was a detailed analysis based on a wider scope of factors than just assets and liabilities, as it involved all factors that contribute to the health and solidity of a company – said Gianfranco Guzzoni, CEO of Teseo –. This result sends out a message of long-term reliability and stability to our business partners. Final customers can be assured that the company, though small, is reliable: if they buy a product today, that can rely on the availability of spare parts for many years to come. We also give evidence of solidity to our resellers, reaffirming our capacity to supply products in the long period. And finally, our suppliers can be confident that working with a Triple-A-rated company offers the highest levels of warranty and reliability.»
The assignment of a Triple-A rating brings a number of benefits to Teseo as well: with banks, having access to credit services and loans at favorable conditions; with suppliers, securing more cost-effective supplies as a result of financial reliability; and with distributors, offering an image of business continuity and solidity.
«We are all very proud of this result – commented Gianfranco Guzzoni -. This is an objective we could achieve only with the constant commitment of the entire staff, who have helped Teseo improve its rating progressively in the past four years, until achieving the Triple-A rating».
www. teseoair.com