Through its Research & Development Department, the Italian Company MP Filtri, relying on half century of experience behind and reference partner in the industrial fields where it operates, develops new technologically advanced and very versatile systems able to meet the new technical specifications requested by the market.

Thanks to the availability of a broad range of filters, accessories and structural components for hydraulic systems, coupled with an exceptional service quality, it has become the most qualified “authority” in the various industrial fields where it operates. Today, with half century of activity behind, MP Filtri – company headquartered at Pessano con Bornago (Milan, Italy) and world leader in hydraulic filtering–, through its Research&Development department designs and implements new highly versatile and technologically advanced systems, really market-oriented, that is to say able to meet the new technical specifications requested by the market.
The “special” product becomes volume-manufactured
«For about one year and a half – explains Claudio Pastori, technical & marketing manager of MP Filtri – we have had in course an in-depth analysis of structural modification of products, in order to develop solutions able to allow customers to satisfy their requirements of “special” executions with a “standard” product».
If in fact the hydraulic industry has traditionally lived times in which the filter manufacturer figure mirrored the innovation of its product through the design and the development of ranges according to its specifications– that the end user was called to suit–, today the market need seems to have changed in some ways. «Over the years – explains Claudio Pastori –, the evolutionary process of machines and of plants, the onset of problems and criticalities concerning new production technologies, as well as the introduction of new materials and of new designs of machines themselves, have highlighted the need of adapting also components, in particular filters, accessories and similar. Therefore, the market is no more researching only performances but especially solutions able to suit more and more differentiated machinery. This presupposing a high competitiveness in terms of cost, being anyway special solutions».

Pionieer of this new technical interpretation, much more proactive than imposing, MP Filtri has then avoided creating the conditions in which customers must accept the range specificity, conforming to the catalogue, but on the contrary it has preferred offering a great applicative adaptation of the product, requirement increasingly felt both concerning mobile machines and other operational ambits.
«Our new design logic actively looks at the market and process dynamics and interprets their needs by proposing standard specifications and configurations that might be generally attributed to a highly customized production – underlines Pastori –. In this way, MP Filtri offers new operating modalities that result in a multi-functionality able to optimize performances and to bring advantages also in terms of real saving for the final application».
This approach has been applied to the Milanese company with the goal of covering all product ranges. The filters for the in-line assembly for instance, are today available in executions with heads having different input/output types and quantities. In development phase is also the historical series of return filters MPF – MPT – MPH.
Research and quality in the forefront
At the base of this pioneering innovation of MP Filtri resides an intense activity of the Research & Development field, coupled with extreme attention to the market requirements. All this without giving up the quality that has always characterized all MP Filtri product ranges. «These innovative solutions – explains Pastori – are fruit of the strict synergy between technical office and sales structure, from which come precise and targeted feedbacks that then turn into applicative opportunities. Afterwards, each new single product undergoes an in-depth series of analyses, checks and controls, performed by a properly equipped laboratory that tests their performances and the necessary certifications. In this way, we succeed in controlling the whole process of product development and manufacturing, verifying also the compliance with the national and international regulations that must be necessarily satisfied, up to the final testing and distribution».
50 years of history
50 years of history behind, 50 million Euros of turnover, about 300 employees in all, working in the headquarters at Pessano con Bornago, in the outskirts of Milan – that boast an operational surface of almost 10,000 square metres–, and the 8 branches spread in Europe (France, Germany and Great Britain), North America (United States and Canada), China, India and Russia. These are the numbers that identify MP Filtri, company constantly oriented to the continuous research and development of new solutions, which have led it to compete with the most important world sector players, gaining a protagonist role in the hydraulic filtering ambit.

«A gradual and constant growth trend – explains the general manager Giovanni Pasotto –, which has a concrete outcome both in the turnover rise and in the productive and structural sizes». Today the company looks then optimistically at the future. As witness of that, the establishment of the new commercial subsidiary in Russia accomplished just this year, market that has always aroused the company’s lively interest and that underlines its will of being diffusely present both on a territorial and sectorial level, looking for new development areas and ambits. «Beyond the geographical borders within which our Group operates – ends Giovanni Pasotto –, I firmly believe that there is market in all world areas and it is just in these zones that MP Filtri will build its future with the passion and the innovation that have always characterized it ».
A complete range of solutions for hydraulic filtering
MP Filtri’s range consists of a complete portfolio of solutions, offering 4 product divisions to the market:
- Structural components for the coupling between electric motor (power from 0.18 to 400 kW), bell housings (single-casting, two-and three module housings and soundproofed housing) and transmission couplings made of aluminium, cast iron and steel, depending on the specific application. The line is then completed with the offer of aluminium tanks, mounting feet for electrical motors, inspection doors for tanks and damping rings for the vertical installation of the motor-pump assembly on the tank cover.
- Division dedicated to the study, development and production of solutions and systems for the contamination monitoring for the production of particle meters and related accessories.
- Division of filter design and production for the fluid cleaning, for the application on suction lines, return filters, in-line filters for medium and high pressure, in the executions with single, double and battery-mounted filters, together with the related accessories.
- Implementation of accessories for the accomplishment of hydraulic plants, including: fluid filler caps and breather plugs, visual and electrical level indicators, pressure gauge selectors, pressure gauges, hose clamps and brackets for rigid and flexible pipe fixing.