Two solenoid version.
Pneumax can boast rich experience and knowledge in the development of specific solutions for the process industry, besides a range of products to improve efficiency, productivity and quality. Each component has been tried, tested and validated in years of experience. All necessary certifications and approvals are available to offer reliability and quality solutions in continuative manner. The combination with a global engineering infrastructure allows Pneumax to meet customers’ specific requirements quickly and positively. Its complete process range includes several products to satisfy all daily needs in the sector. High-quality products focused on reliability, safety and profitability for its customers. The new series of 316 L stainless steel valves and accessories is specifically devised and developed for the OIL & GAS, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food industry and for all those applications calling for excellent resistance to corrosion caused by chemical and/or environmental aggression. These products are perfectly suitable for operating with fluids at the gaseous state, of aggressive nature or not.