Facilitating the encounter between visitors and exhibitors, as well as boosting meetings and new businesses among the various participating manufacturing categories. These are the targets of the new Power Drive showroom that at the next MECSPE edition will widen the exhibition offer. On the word of Meccanica Besnatese and Microingranaggi.
As convergence area among the technologies related to the engineering, electronics and informatics worlds, mechatronics represents a transversal ambit of great interest, able to attract the attention of several industrial segments. Precisely to satisfy the requirements of better visibility and then to allow sector players to widen their business areas, inside MECSPE, the international exhibition of innovation technologies held in Parma from 17th to 19th March 2016, will make its debut Power Drive, the first specialized showroom dedicated to power transmission systems and components framed in an authoritative context of the manufacturing mechanical industry. Numerous the companies that have already decided their participation and just to some of them we have asked what are the expectations and the potentialities of this participation.
Meccanica Besnatese: focus on motion control

«For several years – states the general manager and owner of Meccanica Besnatese, Fabrizio Severgnini – we have participated as exhibitors in the manufacturing industry MECSPE trade fair, at the beginning in the mechanical subcontracting sector. Already since the second year, to exhibit our first products dedicated to the automation sector, the linear tables, we have been on show at the Motek area; we think that Power Drive is its natural evolution. Grouping single producers of components and systems will facilitate the encounter between visitors and exhibitors, besides boosting meetings among the various participating manufacturing categories».
The main target of the participation of the Besnate (Varese, Italy) company is naturally to maintain and, if possible, to increase its visibility in a very important sector, mechatronics, in the Italian industrial survey.
«In the next 2016 edition, too – adds Severgnini – will not miss the presentation of some new products in the linear motion field, such as items used for the integration into very complex automation systems and plants. We have ascertained a constant growth of MECSPE’s level over the last few years, in terms of both the number of visitors and quality of exhibitors. Until now the results we have achieved thanks to our participation have been more than satisfactory and we expect a further growth».
Microingranaggi: beyond subcontracting
It ranks among the exhibitors also Microingranaggi, headquartered at Buccinasco (Milan, Italy): «Even if we are a small company with 30 employees – states the general manager and owner Stefano Garavaglia – our activity involves various ambits, like mechanical engineering, the production of gears, micro-gears and small-size precision mechanical components, mechanical and electromechanical assemblies, production of custom and catalogue small-and very small-size speed reduction units».

As declares Garavaglia in person, the choice of taking part in Power Drive instead of in the Subcontracting hall at MECSPE (where the company was on show in the last two editions) derives from the fact that it better mirrors the main activities concerning mechanical transmissions. In other words, in the specific case, gears, reduction gears and gear overdrives.
«Our expectations – ends Garavaglia – are then mainly to have a more “targeted” position compared to the Subcontracting hall that addresses mechanical workshops in general, like turning firms, toolmakers etc., and then of welcoming our visitors more easily. I believe that nowadays MECSPE is almost the only exhibition dedicated to mechanical machining; it is certainly the one featuring the highest number of visitors and, probably due also to its strategic location, easily reached, the opportunities and the advantages also consist in meeting a notable number of effective or potential customers in few days, as well as in exchanging technical and market opinions with colleagues and in meeting new potential suppliers. They generally organize also conventions and workshops about issues of common interest that attract visitors who, on that occasion, can take advantage of the numerous exhibitors to get updated information about the novelties on show».
Marta Rispoli, marta.rispoli@senaf.it
Phone: 02 332039470 www.mecspe.com
Focus on the future of Robotics at Robot Forum – 16th March 2016, Parma, Palacassa Congress Centre
Still in the ambit of MECSPE, on March 16th, in Parma will be held the first edition of Robot Forum, the event about robotics in which national and international players coming from the industrial and academic world will discuss the applications of the future. As focus of the first edition, they have decided to dedicate the Forum to the assembling sector.
“Assembling applications – comments Federico Vicentini, coordinator of the Scientific Committee of Robot Forum – are characterized by a very broad range of technologies and production methodologies, from the manual prevalence to the use of highly automated lines. The use of robotics in the assembling world aims at improving processes, supporting players especially in medium-small productions, in the automation of manual workstations, in the possibility of reconfiguring/reprogramming robotic cells. Therefore, the in-depth study day is dedicated to the integrators of robotic cells interested in widening the offer range and to the operators in the assembling industry interested in analysing thoroughly the technical possibilities for an eventual upgrade or the introduction of robotic solutions into their factories.
The programme of the day develops in 4 sections: Sensors and Perception, Handling and Control, Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction and Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction. Within these sections, the speeches – coordinated by the Scientific Committee composed by the most important names of the robotic world on a national and international scale – concern the present and the future of the useful assembling technology: development trends in robotics, the shape of collaborative robots and their interfaces, study cases in research projects dedicated to assembling, the experiences of other European Countries.
Robot Forum, thanks to the synergy with MECSPE – exhibition dedicated to innovation technologies, for several years by now committed to the development of the Automation and Robotics area, goes on inside the exhibition (17th -19th March 2016) creating a virtuous circle between exhibitors and visitors of the two initiatives. In the Square of Robotics – Assembling Excellence –, at its fifth edition, it will be possible to see from close up some of the most interesting applications developed by Sponsors and by their System Integrators and to analyse thoroughly the issues treated in the plenary session. Besides, in the area, on 17th March, will take place the prizegiving ceremony of the Solution Award, competition reserved to system integrators nominated by sponsors that will be assessed by the Scientific Committee of Robot Forum.
For all information about the event, please contact:
robot-forum@senaf.it, phone 02 332039470 www.robot-forum.it